Prank Panel Episode 4 Review


This weeks episode, Rashad's Revenge/Bollywood Audition opens on some great behind the scenes pranks on the pitchers. It is hilarious seeing the woman, Angel, get taken outside and just left there. The directors and creators know their audience well... we love seeing this kind of stuff. I'd ask for more of this style comedy as opposed to when they start making fun of the people that are pitching. Those moments aren't hitting, they feel mean spirited and this show is not that. These pranksters have too much fun, so when we start punching down it feels uncomfortable.

While the first prank was an absolute failure it provided some authenticity for the show itself. This isn't always going to work folks. Failure is apart of the every business including pranks. It's refreshing to see a chink in the armor. I wish we spent a little time with it, but the women being pranked were very funny on there own... like two best friends impenetrable to everything.

Of the big three, Gabby steals this episode. Finally we get her behind the microphone on a prank. She has some great quips during The Bollywood prank. They really got their mark in this one. Everyone loves a revenge prank... 

Can't wait for next week's episode. Also, it's great to see so many familiar faces from the show 'Jury Duty'... another great prank show. 

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